The push for transparency - How and why are companies approaches to procurement coming under greater scrutiny? How should companies respond?
Join us to find out what is driving the trends for greater supply chain transparency and how should companies be responding. We will be deep diving into two key areas of current focus; human rights and carbon supply chain reporting.
Topics covered will include:
- Key trends in responsible procurement in relation to transparency requirements
- Evolving requirements: Legislation on responsible procurement practice
- Spotlight on managing and reporting on human rights in your supply chain
- Spotlight on managing and reporting on carbon of your supply chain
- Building supply chain resilience for greater scrutiny– where to next
Date & time
11th September
12:00 - 13:00 (BST)
Petra Parizkova, Associate Director
Petra is an Associate Director in Corporate Citizenship, part of SLR. She has over 14 years experience in driving responsible business and positive change in a range of sectors including energy, built environment, retail, food, financial services, public sector and transport. This includes developing, embedding and project managing strategic programmes and initiatives on a range of topics such as responsible procurement, stakeholder engagement, materiality, modern slavery and reporting as well creating innovative and engaging communications campaigns.
Heba Megahed, Managing Consultant
Heba is a Managing Consultant specializing in Social Performance and ESG management. She has over 12+ years of experience developing and implementing ESG strategies. Formerly with ExxonMobil and Shell, she has assisted companies with becoming innovative thought leaders in ESG. Most recently, she has worked with a Fortune 100 company assisting them in making enhancements to their human rights approach. She has worked on a number of US and international projects developing solutions to environmental and social impacts. She specializes in a wide range of social/environmental topics including ESG strategy and reporting, materiality assessments, ESDD to lender standards, social impact management, vulnerable communities/indigenous peoples, gender impact assessment and gender action plan to lenders E&S requirements, stakeholder engagement, livelihood restoration plans, human rights assessments, waste management, and others. Heba has a Masters and bachelor's in industrial engineering from the University of Houston.
David Bailey, Managing Consultant
David is a managing consultant at Corporate Citizenship, part of SLR, with 5 years’ experience in environmental consulting. He has a background focussed on GHG accounting for large developments in the planning sector. He now co-leads the carbon management service line with Corporate Citizenship, and is the Scope 3 sustainable solutions lead. He has a strong quantitative, data driven background and predominantly focuses on data analysis and modelling. He also has project managed a range of jobs across multiple environmental disciplines. David holds a BSc in Environmental Science from the University of Brighton.
Registration & fees
This is a free to attend webinar. It is being held in association with the Food and Drink Federation. Please register for the webinar directly through the FDF using the link above.