Government grants for energy efficiency projects in the UK

Post Date
23 March 2021
Read Time
3 minutes

UK Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF)

What is it?

The UK Government is offering grant funding for the implementation of energy efficiency projects, providing 30-65% of project funding (dependent on business size and location), with a minimum grant of £100k for implementation projects.

In a separate strand of the scheme, funding is also available to support feasibility and experimental research to develop either an energy efficiency or a deep decarbonisation project, with a feasibility minimum total cost of £30K, a minimum detailed engineering cost of £50K.

More detail on both of these schemes can be found in our Industrial Energy Transformation Fund briefing note.

Am I eligible?

Businesses of any size within the Manufacturing and Data Centre sectors in England, Northern Ireland and Wales can apply for the grant.

How do I access the Implementation Funding?

The grant funding is being administered on a competitive basis. Organisations must submit a detailed application between 8th March 2021 and 14th July 2021. A further round of funding will be made available in summer 2021.

What projects are applicable?

Projects must focus on proven energy efficiency technologies e.g. process control, waste heat recovery, process optimisation, and must be undertaken on a single site.

How can SLR help?

Our Carbon and Energy Team has extensive experience in the development of energy efficiency projects, reporting and validation of energy and carbon savings, and the administration of UK government grant schemes. We can support your potential grant application in a number of ways:

Identification and Development of Projects – Many organisations undertook ESOS audits in 2019. Our energy consultants can review this information, and any other projects, to provide an initial assessment against the funding criteria. It may be that some opportunities can be ‘rolled-up’ to meet the grant requirements, or our team can undertake further, more detailed investigation into a project to confirm costs and benefits.

Application Support - Where a suitable project has been identified, we will utilise our recent experience of managing the assessment process for the Industrial Heat Recovery Support (IHRS) grant programme on behalf of BEIS, to support you through the application process and give you the best possible chance of a successful application.

Monitoring and Verification Plan – We will develop a detailed monitoring and verification plan, to provide confidence that the correct outputs are being captured, that the monitoring process is robust, and that a legitimate methodology is applied to the verification of carbon end energy savings.

Additional Support – SLR can also provide a range of environmental services which may be required in the development and implementation of the energy reduction project including; DSEAR, HAZOP, COMAH modification, planning application support, noise, air/water impact assessment.

In a separate strand of the scheme, funding is also available to support feasibility and experimental research to develop either an energy efficiency or a deep decarbonisation project. More detail on both of these strands can be found in our Industrial Energy Transformation Fund briefing note.

If you would like to discuss this further or require more information, please get in touch.

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