Edinburgh Zoo anaerobic digestion feasibility study
- Client Name
- Royal Zoological Society of Scotland
- Location
- Edinburgh, UK

SLR was tasked by the Scottish Biofuel Programme to complete a feasibility study for the use of anaerobic digestion as a means of processing the animal waste and visitor food waste from Edinburgh Zoo and also the Highland Wildlife Park.
SLR undertook site visits to investigate the feedstock and potential plant locations, and then initial calculations were completed on the possible biogas generation from this feedstock. SLR contacted technology providers to gauge their experience of processing the feedstock and also gave initial estimations on capital cost.
Using site energy demand information, SLR were able to make recommendations on the use of the biogas. The savings therein, as well as potential RHI payments, were factored into a simple financial model to determine the payback of these savings compared to the capital cost estimations found.
SLR also investigated and reported regulatory requirements, including Animal By-Product Regulations, PAS110 Standard for digestate and the Permitting requirements from SEPA.