Support for Grafton Landfill footprint extension
- Client Name
- Clarence Valley Council
- Location
- Grafton, New South Wales, Australia

The Grafton Regional Landfill has been operating since 1998 and landfills between 35,000 - 45,000 tonnes of waste per annum. With available landfill void space dwindling, Clarence Valley Council (Council) commissioned SLR to prepare a detailed design for a landfill footprint expansion.
SLR was engaged to provide ongoing support for the full life-cycle of the landfill footprint expansion including detailed design for the new landfill cell, assisting with gaining NSW Environmental Planning Approvals, construction project management and Construction Quality Assurance (CQA).
Detailed Design
A detailed design was prepared for a new landfill cell to complement the
existing landforms and drainage features at the site, as well as to integrate leachate management with existing provisions and future cells. The detailed design included geotechnical investigation, surface water management, landfill slope stability assessment, leachate barrier and collection system, bill of quantities and cost estimate.
Construction Specification and Construction Quality Assurance Plan
SLR prepared a construction specification detailing the materials and construction methodology requirements for the new landfill cell, and a CQA plan to ensure all critical features of the cell were constructed according to the approved design.
Construction Quality Assurance Support
On-site CQA support was provided throughout the cell construction phase. Our team documented the earthworks, construction of the leachate barrier and collection system and devised design modifications to take advantage of on-site conditions.
SLR is currently preparing a CQA Validation report to be submitted to the NSW EPA as part of the approvals process for landfilling to commence in the new cell.