The Fulbourn and Ida Darwin Hospital sites, Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire
- Client Name
- Reckitt Benckiser
- Location
- Cambridge, UK

The Fulbourn and Ida Darwin Hospital sites, Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire are two adjoining hospital sites within the Green Belt on the outskirts of Cambridge, comprising the historic Fulbourn Hospital site and land to the north which consisted of more dispersed hospital accommodation dating from the 1960s which was considered unfit for purpose.
SLR’s team co-ordinated the preparation of a series of multi-modal Transport Assessments for the rationalisation of health-care facilities to enable the release of surplus land for residential development. This included the stages of securing the allocation of the sites within the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan to enable the further development of the Fulbourn Hospital site for additional and upgraded health-care facilities, enabled and funded by the corresponding release of the Ida Darwin site for residential purposes.
The works included preparation of documents for submission as part of the Local Plan review and associated negotiations with local authorities, the preparation of joint traffic impact assessments for both the further development of the Fulbourn Hospital site and the disposal of the Ida Darwin site, workplace Travel Plan preparation for the Fulbourn Hospital site and the design of off-site highway works and access arrangements.