Transport advice for Greymoorhill
- Client Name
- Story Homes
- Location
- UK

SLR advised Story Homes and later Gleesons on a large residential development at Greymoorhill in north Carlisle, which will deliver up to 400 dwellings.
The site is located just over three miles from the centre of Carlisle and five miles from the Scottish Borders. Situated near to schools and local shops, it is opposite the Kingstown Retail Park a short distance from the Kingstown Industrial Estate.
We first helped to secure the allocation of the site through the local plan and then supported the separate applications for the Story Homes and then the Gleeson Homes site. This involved preparing transport assessments and travel plans as well as giving detailed highway engineering advice.
Critical to securing planning approval was proving that the site can be accessed via a new arm to the existing traffic signals and that there would be no impact requiring offsite highway improvements either on the A7 corridor or at Junction 44 of the M6. We also demonstrated that the site was accessible by sustainable modes.
The whole process was undertaken collaboratively, engaging Cumbria County Council’s officers to negotiate the package of highways works.