Warwickshire Town Centre transport modelling and social distancing

Client Name
Warwickshire Town Centre
Warwickshire, UK


Warwickshire County Council appointed SLR Microsim to test scheme proposals designed to improve pedestrian and cycling facilities within Warwick Town Centre. The aim was to gather evidence in support of a public consultation.

SLR Microsim was responsible for testing traffic flow impacts, analysis, optimising the schemes where necessary and undertaking economic appraisals.


The study involved complex highway modelling, due to junction proximity, survey data collection to provide current traffic data, followed by the testing and optimisation of schemes using a calibrated and validated S-Paramics base model.

A Paramics model was identified as the most realistic, effective way to inform the town centre strategy, recreating the congestion and interaction of vehicles between junctions within the study area, along with capturing the impacts of the scheme implementation.


On completion of the study, conclusions were drawn about the optimal combination of schemes across the town centre, which would reduce congestion while also delivering improved pedestrian and cycling facilities. This evidence was submitted to Warwickshire County Council to inform its transport strategy and demonstrate the benefits of the scheme at public consultations.

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