Waste to energy facility environmental and planning due diligence
- Client Name
- Verus Energy Limited
- Location
- Victoria, Australia

SLR were engaged by Verus Energy Limited based in the United Kingdom to undertake a comprehensive Environmental and Planning Due Diligence assessment to assist in site selection for a significant waste to energy facility to be developed in Victoria. SLR were selected based on our experience in Victorian Planning and Environmental Approvals for similar proposed developments.
Our team provided a detailed overview of all environmental and planning constraints pertaining to a perspective former industrial site that could be redeveloped into the proposed facility. Our team also assisted with providing the client with a valuable understanding of both applicable Commonwealth and State planning and environment legislative requirements pertaining to the future proposal.
Our team were engaged to undertake a qualitative (desktop) due diligence assessment of a preferred site for the development of the Waste to Energy Facility with a 50 megawatt electrical generation capacity processing approximately 500 Kilo-Tonnes Per Annum of waste. The analysis encompassed the applicable planning and environmental constraints and opportunities associated with the development of the facility. The following site-specific attributes were considered in the scope of works:
- Land title & encumbrances
- Soils and geology
- Groundwater
- Potential acid sulfate soils
- Fill materials
- Environmental Protection Authority priority sites register
- Asbestos
- Offsite waste and contaminated soil disposal
- Flora and fauna, ecological vegetation classes, threatened species & habitats
- Scattered trees
- Cultural heritage
- Catchment management
- Topographical features
- Bushfire prone areas
- Flooding and inundation
- Surface water & water ways
- Transport networks
- Climate
- Landscape & visual amenity
- Utilities
- Socio-economic
- Air quality
- Human health risks
- Noise & vibration.
Our team provided a comprehensive Environmental and Planning Due Diligence report complete with a comprehensive listing of appendices containing all relevant information collated pertaining to constraints at the site. This provided the client an all-inclusive reference report during site acquisition contractual discussions involving legal representatives.