Formulating a Site Plan to Support the Ecology and Management Needs of the Bluff Point Properties, in Groton CT
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The Town of Weston Planning & Zoning Commission contracted SLR to prepare a masterplan for the Town Center.
The project team developed detailed analyses of the status of demographics and housing, transportation, land uses and regulations, community facilities, natural resources and open space, economic circumstances and development opportunities, and sustainability.
SLR analysed the data from a community-wide online survey to gain feedback on what residents love or are concerned about in regards to the existing center. The project team also assisted in leading two outreach activities and inquiring about a variety issues and opportunities.
The first engaged the participants in a community conversation about the desired future for this area, and the second presented possible development options for Weston Center.
Through this community lead design process, a vision and recommendations were developed for strengthening the public realm and design elements and as well revamping the zoning regime.
Following the completion of the Plan, Weston contracted SLR to write village district zoning regulations and design guidelines for the Center area to achieve the vision of the Plan. Outreach and educational activities supplemented the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings, resulting in an adopted community supported zoning amendment.